Adaptive Rowing
RIVERSPORT is proud to offer para-rowing opportunities for the visually impaired and for veterans. Current teams include the Visually Impaired Adaptive Rowing Project (VIARP) and the Warriors, and are open to eligible participants free of charge. For more information about the RIVERSPORT Adaptive Rowing program and how to join, email us or call us at (405) 552-4040.
The Visually Impaired Adaptive Rowing Project (VIARP) Vipers, consisting of visually-impaired rowers, has been practicing on the Oklahoma River since 2008. Participants are guided by coaches and assistants to carry their equipment to the water and can row in synchronicity by hearing and feeling the rhythm of the boat. The team practices twice a week and is currently training for both the OG&E NightSprints and longer head races. The VIARP Vipers are sponsored by NewView Oklahoma and the RIVERSPORT Foundation.
The Warriors rowing team is comprised of veterans affiliated with the Oklahoma City Veterans Affairs Medical Center. For many veterans on the team, rowing provides a release from anxiety and allows them to form new friendships with their teammates. The Warriors practice twice a week and are training to compete in local and regional regattas.